President Mohamed Hosny Mubarak
Gamal Mubarak
Just Gamal Mubarak
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  • Gamal Mubarak
    Mr. Nuh, your earlier comments were not acceptable in the context of this page. I will even go on to saying that they are not acceptable in the context of religion. Calling some a “khafer” is not of islamic teachings. With all due respect, who are you, or who is any of us to decide what only god can decide?? Religion, common courtesy, and political wit all work hand in hand to falsify your statement.Read More
    Gamal Mubarak


    مؤسسة ميريل لينش : الإقتصاد المصري يواصل نموه الإيجابي رغم الأزمة الإقتصادية العالمية

     August 15 at 9:50am