Tag Archive: George Youssef

George youssef                mr. Tim Horton loyal customer signing in as Asian Sentiment Defector English 1 Assignment Rough Draft Narrative              English Class                           Georgeyoussef68@aim.com     I was sitting at Tim Hortons sipping coffee at thanksgiving, many ideas made their way to my realm waiting to be adopted. Sounds a bit creepy. That’s alright, you see, this thanksgiving was kind of special as it came turkey-free, no comedy here when i say that i just had my teeth fixed from a previous root canal and i had to be cautious. My heart goes out for a banana. Speaking of which i just remembered. It was during the summer of 2008, by that time i was a regular guy, no fancy stuff, just the real article … claiming that to bare your real self is much better than to put masks or to photo ID yourself just like the Universal Cop’s poster of the famous Hollywood movie. What was a friend of a friend at the time made a passing remark.”You’re a banana! Like how on [FOX’s animated comedy] ‘Family Guy” they call the guy a banana, yellow on the outside and white on the inside.” At the time this deeply offended me. Since then I’ve thought on it and it seems to suit me more and more. I even make the joke about myself to other people now. The guy I am dating compared it to a Twinkie. I sure do like Twinkies more than I like banana. Does this mean assimilation has worked too well?? Or perhaps the abandonment and rejection i was confronted with as a child with the mentality of a child feeling feeling alone and lost in trying to understand such grown up concepts decided the only way to boil it down was to reject everything which had rejected me before i even knew what i was. By turning my back on a culture, society, and country who discarded me easily and readily. Treated like an export, non-refundable merchandise. I wanted so desperately to cling to the heritage, to learn, and be what i was supposed to be. Approval and acceptance according to Maslow and his Hierarchy of needs. The conflict of being submissive, docile, and meek was disagreeable to my strong-will, curious, adventurous nature. I then tried to be like all the other middle class, ALL-American, children i went to school with. That wasn’t working for me. This is most apparent in the photos showing me in preppy Limited TOO Clothes, joining band and attending Awanas every week with my preppy and athletic friends. I gave that up around seventh and eighth grade. Well, honestly, I liked percussion, but gave it up because i knew it would alleviate some financial strain for my parents, plus they had schedules and I wasn’t sure how the logistics would work to make a full commitment to band. Playing at football games was pretty pathetic as far as percussion went. I didn’t have the coordination or the breathing control to take up any of the other instruments. Sounds so much like George Youssef, i am afraid . I finally figured out i was not suited for either ‘team.’ Where did that leave me? Where does it leave me, now ? Where does it lead me? God , i hate these wagons of female questions. Did she had to say it like that. May be i will mention it to her if and when we meet. I feel like buzzing in in her way invading her narrative and mentioning what i once knew as my Digest told me in the bak that the black president of the united states of America, mr. Barack Hussein Obama will be inclined to have a “ mandarin mistress ”, a “Cantonese playgirl”, if and when he chooses to fool around, despite the strong Abs of mrs. Michelle Obama the first lady and the mother of his two girls. This asian beauty lady dragon, flame-coloured babe skin would be a defector who ran away from the FBI as an illegal alien but came later to be that FBI employee . Go figure… Any way back to my narration papers , i do not want this coffee of mine to end before i finish writing. There is nothing worse than a second cup of dark roast coffee just because your lazy pen couldn’t end its ride on time. So, I believe i am doing the right thing when i deliver my pen to the lovely FBI agent to complete and comment of her narrative as she makes her way out of her California trendy house in her velvet green car. God saves the Chat software i jargoned. She agreed to go on for few minutes more, the chest-nut haired beauty said, ‘Where does it lead me’ Better yet, why do I continue to try to make the team when i know i won’t make the cut? Life is a journey my mandarin-speaking guest said. One’s identity isn’t carved out of marble. It is ever changing . Water takes on many forms ranging from tears, It is a base for many soluble and solvents, it can be held or crushed as ice, it can move as fog, clouds or rain with the help of gravity and shift of atmospheric currents. It can rust metal, cleanse most objects . One can add to it, or it can stand alone. I believe i was contemplating many many years ago the site and the view of a water column standing alone and leaning itself on a cane, can you imagine how cute this caricature image can be. I concurred. ‘Fire instigates sparks, flames. Fire can move, travel. Yet , it cannot be directly held. The mention of Earthly elements inevitably brings me to the topic of astrology . Both ‘Chinese’ and ‘Western’ flavours. I am not going to claim to know every specific or applicable subsect or laws of child abandonment, family size , growth, governing patriachial societies, or the pariah treatment of any whom didn’t abide appropriately. Feel free to correct or enlighten me. This is how i interpret the society i was born to and dismissed from. Ironically, the last statement could be precisely my point. One would have a better chance of estimating how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie poop and winning the price is right [ Popular game show from the 1970’s and 1980’s ] Vs. Accurately determining the day and year I was born. Because currently there is no full proof way to verify this other than by assessing physical development and the onset of developmental milestones. So while i may truely be a rooster , scorpio rooster according to Chinese astrology. I could just as likely be any of the other combinations, Or not be a rooster or scorpio or metal element. I am simply a by-product. A hot potato. A hyphen. I have graduated from hot potato to bananas and Twinkies. I so replied to my mandarin gorgeous friend by saying ‘ you were never a hyphen, may be a hot potato, i don’t know about that, but again, not a pumpkin and you will never ever be a by-product .‘ Besides you have your way with narration more than i do. ‘ Gotta be worth something ‘ i murmured. You remind me of the little baby you was climbing over the PAK like on Christmas near the chimney of a cold and frosty December night when we were both innocent and amusingly curious, everything was to our amazement and if it didn’t fit this Tag it was immediately discarded as a sinner who came at the wrong time to the wrong toddler , and in most cases dismissed from our presence to ‘get it right this time around and then come back to us”… Remember George Youssef how we used to impersonate objects and incidents, may be we were trying to put a human face on planet earth like a good toddler should do. Or how we used to label items as we label people and love them and care for them even more and how we coloured every thing in pink and blue not in black and white like all the “ Others” . hmmm , i was trying to reply to her. To be continued … From my blog @ www.wwgeorgeyoussef.wordpress.com about the bak and the Islamic bak magic

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– Tanks and other heavy weaponry rumbled across Beijing behind goose-stepping troops as China celebrated 60 years of communist rule Thursday with its biggest-ever military review – a symbol of its rapidly expanding global might.


The elaborate ceremony for the founding of the People’s Republic unfolded on national television but behind tight security that excluded ordinary people from getting near the parade route through Tiananmen Square.


Precisely choreographed, the two-and-half-hour event hewed closely to tradition. President Hu Jintao, in a Mao jacket instead of a business suit, rode in an open top Red Flag limousine to review the thousands of troops. A parade of kitschy floats, flanked by more than 100,000 people, lauded the communist revolution and the Beijing Olympics. Even the weather co-operated, with aggressive cloud-seeding by the government having brought overnight showers to disperse smog and bring in blue skies.


The biggest difference was the weaponry, more than had been shown before and most of which was domestically produced: dozens of fighter jets and hundreds of tanks, artillery and trucks carrying long-range, nuclear-capable missiles.


“On this joyful and solemn occasion, all the peoples across the nation feel extremely proud for the progress and development of the motherland and have full confidence in the bright prospects for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” Hu said in a short speech standing atop Tiananmen gate with the rest of the collective leadership looking on.


Behind the celebrations is the tremendous change of fortunes China has experienced. China has gone from poor and internationally weak when the communists took over on Oct. 1, 1949, to the world’s third-largest economy and new power whose input the U.S. superpower seeks to solve the global economic crisis and Iran’s nuclear challenge.


Unmentioned during the event and crescendo of state media hype in recent weeks were the ruinous campaigns of revolutionary leader Mao Zedong that left tens of millions dead – as well as the country’s current challenges: a widening gap between rich and poor, rampant corruption, severe pollution and ethnic uprisings in the western areas of Tibet and Xinjiang.


The spectacle seemed to follow on the stunning opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics a year ago. A gala and fireworks were planned late Thursday for Tiananmen Square. While the Olympics were meant to mark China’s arrival on the world stage, the parade squarely aimed to please a domestic audience.


Even the uninvited seemed excited, gathering on side streets to get a glimpse of the passing parade or watching from home.


“China’s power makes us proud. Over the span of 60 years China has developed so rapidly,” said retiree Wang Shumin, standing in a back alley watching the parade on TV through a shop window. “China is now powerful and has a position on the world stage.”


Standing nearby, Liu Shuping praised the blue skies: “Even the weather has paid attention today.”


Police maintained a visible presence, clearly worried that crowds might get out of hand, either from overexuberance or to protest the grievances that constantly simmer in Chinese society. The large-screen television outside the Beijing Railway Station that normally streams programs throughout the day was switched off.


Still, the thousand or so people cheered “long live China” when they heard Hu’s voice blaring from loudspeakers two blocks away as he reviewed the troops. Police shouted “calm down” and “don’t yell.” They led away one well-dressed woman waving a small flag after she crossed the police line.


Despite the slick TV production and flashy new weaponry, the display of firepower and patriotic rhetoric were old-style and likely to prove unsettling to some countries and domestic critics.


“This is not the end of an era,” said Minxin Pei, a professor of government at Claremont McKenna College in California. Rather, Pei said, the event continues a strategy deployed since the military crushed the Tiananmen democracy movement in 1989: “a one-party state that uses its economic success to bolster its legitimacy in any way conceivable, including a Soviet-style military parade.”


Some Chinese grumbled that the security dampened what could have been a more public celebration and showed the government’s distrust of people.


“In past years, back in the day, we were able to participate in the parades or at least stand over there and watch from the side of the streets,” said one man, who only gave his English name, Winston Liu, as he milled about a side street a block from the parade route. “Now it is really strictly controlled. I guess it is for safety concerns.”

In Hong Kong, which has Western-style civil liberties as part of its special semiautonomous status, hundreds of people protested Thursday, denouncing China’s human rights record during 60 years of communist rule.

About 200 people marched through the downtown financial district, chanting, “We want human rights. We don’t want a sanitized National Day.”

Associated Press writers Henry Sanderson in Beijing and Min Lee in Hong Kong contributed to this report.


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A pro-democracy protester carrying a mock gravestone takes part ...

Thu Oct 1, 4:18 AM

A pro-democracy protester carrying a mock gravestone takes part in a demonstration demanding China improve its human rights record, in Hong Kong October 1, 2009, as China celebrates the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.


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الشبكة وقعت في مصر . مدونات جورج يوسف .

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إوعاك تفتن علي الباك يا جورج ليطلع لك نجيب الريحاني و يغني أستاذ حمام بصوته البك – ليلي مراد


mohammadhinidi wrote 11 minutes ago: ذكرت صحيفة تونسية إن مواطنة عادت إلى الحياة بعد 24 ساعة من موتها وفق شهادة الطبيب، وذلك في حادثة غري … more →

الأوسمة: ‏القذافي, ‏شعبان عبد الرحيم, bak Egypt, bak israel, Blogspot, CIA, DHS, Egypt, FBI

القيامة رجاؤنا

marioboulos wrote 23 hours ago: في كل قداس قبطي نرتل  آمين آمين آمين بموتك يا رب نبشر وبقيامتك المقدسة وصعودك إلى السموات نعترف … more →

الأوسمة: مسيحية, مقالات, القيامة, مريم المجدلية, كورنتوس, الإنجيل, حبة الحنطة, القبر الفارغ, البشارة

فوائد وعبر من سورة آل عمران- الجزء الأول

fawazsaud wrote 1 day ago: فوائد وعبر من سورة آل عمران- الجزء الأول سورة آل عمران من سورةٌ مدنيّة. حيث ذكر فيها أحداث غزوة أحد … more →

الأوسمة: آية و تفسير, غزوة, أحد, ال عمران, الزهراوين, الوصية, مدنية, وفد نجران

بفوطة الحيض … مصريات جورج يوسف

nagwafouad wrote 1 day ago: مستشار البشير‏:‏ استفتاء الجنوب محطة فاصلة ولا يزال هناك أمل في تحقيق الوحدة الطوعية بفوطة الحيض … ج … more →

الأوسمة: فلسطين, فلسطينيات, لملف الباك, ليبيا, مينا زكري, مصر, إذاعة الأسرى, الفلم باك, القاهرة

المسيحية و إنفلونزا الطيور و إنفلونزا الخنازير 2 comments

georgeyussuf wrote 4 days ago: إنفلونزا الخنازير تتصدر اجتماع مجلس المحافظين بالمنوفية   كتب :   يناقش مجلس المحافظين في ا … more →

الأوسمة: إسرائيل‏, المسيحية, الباك الإسلامي, الكنيسة, حسنى مبارك الخول, محمد المزاجنجي, شات زى tagged, الخولات, خولات في الرياض

المسلمين يدخلون بيوت المسيحيين ويسحروهم و المسيح أى كلام .

saadabdelwahab wrote 5 days ago:   في ختام جولته بالمنطقة البابا يدعو إلي حل النزاع في الشرق الأوسط علي أساس إقامة … more →

الأوسمة: فيفى عبدة, كرة قدم, رياضة, الزمالك, الدوري, القاهرة, تل أبيب, كس كبير جدا, الباك

الشبكة وقعت في مصر . مدونات جورج يوسف .1 comment

lailamurad wrote 1 week ago: العاصفة ؟؟ واخيرا الباك تراك لينكس كامل !!؟!! – منتديات عذب الفرات  – [ Translate this page ] … more →

الأوسمة: القاهرة, مصر, نجيب الريحاني, ندوة, الكنيسة, البابا شنودة, الأقباط, المصري, سوزان مبارك

البابا سيتوجه إلي نصب محرقة اليهود ياد فاشيم في القدس المحتلة وسط إجراءات أمنية

gyoussef97 wrote 1 week ago: عقب وصوله إلي تل أبيب قادما من الأردن بابا الفاتيكان يدعو إلي المصالحة بين الفلسطينيين والإسرائيليين … more →

الأوسمة: سحر الباك, مصر, القاهرة, مصريات جورج يوسف, الكنيسة, سوزان مبارك, علاء مبارك, إسرائيل‏, سوريا

الأطفال المسيحيين في مصر لا يحبون روبي لأنها بتقرفهم بالباك الإسلامي

gyoussef97 wrote 1 week ago: الطفل إسرائيل تنشر‏60‏ ألف شرطي لتأمين الزيارة بابا الفاتيكان يدعو إلي المصالحة بين الفلسطينيين والإ … more →

الأوسمة: الباك الإسلامي, الباك, القاهرة, السودان, الكنيسة, إسرائيل‏, البابا شنودة الثالث, القساوسة, الشرق الأوسط

سوزان مبارك في المرحلة الأخيرة .

gyoussef97 wrote 1 week ago: في المرحلة الأخيرة للتطوير بعد غد قرينة الرئيس توزع‏812‏ وحدة سكنية لسكان منطقة زينهم كتب ـ ع … more →

الأوسمة: فنون, قطر, مقالات عامة, ملفات تورنت, ملفات تحميل مباشر, مينا ذكري, مينا رجلي تو, مينا زكري, ميديا

البرنس كفاءة يخلص .جورج عاوز مصر .

samirgaga wrote 1 week ago: الرئيسان الأسد وأحمدي نجاد: تغيرات جذرية على الساحة الدولية لها انعكاسات إقليميا في كل المجالات.. ند … more →

الأوسمة: القاهرة, الكنيسة, المصرى, الولايات المتحدة, الأقباط, اخبار, اسرائيل, سوريا, عربي

مرض الباك و جنون العظمة …

gyoussef97 wrote 1 week ago: مصر تتطلع لمواقف إيجابية للحكومة الإسرائيلية تحقق السلام وفق حل الدولتين الرئيس مبارك عقب مباحثاته … more →

الأوسمة: فلسطين, قطر, ليبيا, لبنان, مقالات عامة, ملفات تورنت, ملفات تحميل مباشر, مؤتمر البرلمانات العربية, مصر

‏ ا ف ب‏ .1 comment

lailamurad wrote 1 week ago: من داخل مسجد الحسين بن طلال في عمان البابا بنديكتوس يدعو للإعتراف بحق مسيحيي العراق في العيش بسلام و … more →

الأوسمة: القاهرة, مصر, من ”الباك الإسلامي”, مصريات جورج يوسف, مريم جورج, فلسطين, ‏النبي محمد, البابا شنودة, الأقباط

الأخ عبده ماركة الباك الإسلامي .

saadabdelwahab wrote 1 week ago: Hot VIP Posts كيف سيكون شعورك ان وقفت على منصة لمشاهدة فيلم فيديو يظهر كل الخطايا التي قم … more →

الأوسمة: ميريام جورج, ميس ايجيبت 2005, ماركة الباك الإسلامي, مريم جورج, مريام جورج, مصر, مصري, مصريين, مصراوى

مايكل منير وقذف على الهواء للقمص صليب متى ساويرس 8 comments

Soldiers Of Allah wrote 2 weeks ago: مايكل منير رئيس منظمة غجر امريكا وسب وقذف على الهواء للقمص صليب متى ساويرس عضو المجلس الملى واتهام ص … more →

الأوسمة: أقباط المهجر, الكنيسة المصرية, كنيسة, مايكل منير, مدونة جند الله الاسلامية, مسيحى الشرق الاوسط, يسوع, المسيحية, الاب صليب متى ساويرس

اذكرني يا رب في ملكوتك

Fadi Hallisso wrote 2 weeks ago: كثيراً ما تأملت في نص إنجيل متى حول معجزة تكثير الخبز والسمك ( متى 14: 13 – 21) والنص التالي أي معجز … more →

الأوسمة: مسيحية, خواطر, دين, متى, معجزة السير على الماء, معجزة تكثير الخبز والسمك, إنجيل, الصلاة, بحيرة طبريا

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الراقصة عزة شريف :الخطاب الأوبامي و دليل سحر الباك الإسلامي

اغسطس 10, 2009 بواسطة nagwafouad

الخطاب الأوبامي و دليل سحر الباك الإسلامي

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